Triennial Exhibition & Competition 2025

Treasure The Lace Guild Triennial Competition 2025
by Sue Smith
Now that Commonwealth is over it is time to look forward to our next competition in 2025. This is the year before the Lace Guild celebrates its golden anniversary so when we were thinking of a theme we naturally came up with Treasure!
We hope that this will inspire you to produce some beautiful lace. The initial inspiration was gold, as you can see from the poster (above), but there are so many other possibilities. Treasure can mean something conventionally precious like gold, silver, diamonds and sapphires but there are so many other ways to interpret this theme. What is treasure to you? Maybe a child or grandchild, a special memory, a memento or heirloom, a gift given to you by a special person. Treasure needn’t have a financial value; I am sure we all remember as children collecting shells on the beach and carefully taking them home. I am certain you can think of many other examples, and we look forward to seeing what you come up with.
You will find the Competition Schedule and Rules above so that you can begin to plan your entry. Don’t forget the traditional classes in section A of the schedule. You don’t have to follow the theme in this section and the pattern can be your own design or a commercially published pattern so if design isn’t your passion, you can still enter the competition.