Sale or Return Box For Groups

We can supply your group meeting with a Lace Guild Sale or Return box. Email our Sales Assistant Nicola at to register your interest!
The box will contain the following:
1 x Information sheet
1 x Publications guide to all of the publication we currently offer
1 x Order Form pack, Order form details, bobbin order form and publications order form
1 x bunch of leaflets which can be handed out (8xMuseum, 8Membership)
The following publications are included in your pack, these can also be sold and any unsold returned to us:
1 x Introduction to Bucks Point Lace
1 x Introduction to Milanese Lace
1 x Introduction to Bedfordshire Lace
1 x Introduction to Torchon Lace
1 x Honiton Basic Technical Instruction Book
1 x Small Friendly Spider
1 x Take Another Box of Baubles
1 x The Return of the Spider
1 x It’s a wrap
1 x Simply Blue
Return your box to us after up to 3 months with unsold items and a cheque for anything that was sold and any order forms required.