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Insurance for Lace Guild Members

Lace Guild members are covered for Public Liability and Member to Member cover for all classes, workshops, demonstrations, lace days, and regular group meetings.

Members' lace and equipment at these events is in their own custody and control, and insurance cover for these is their responsibility.


Our policy provides Public Liability cover for exhibitions, Member to Member cover, venue damage cover, theft as a result of forcible entry, fire, flood and the lace and contents of the exhibition.

Stands at exhibitions on a worldwide basis are covered up to a maximum total of £8,000 for all exhibitions covered on a particular day with a single article limit in reference to lace of £250. These limits can be adjusted but may incur an additional premium. This is why The Lace Guild must be notified in advance of exhibition dates and the value of exhibition items.

The information required for an exhibition is: Date and Duration, Location/Address, Security Arrangements (cannot be, for example, a stall in the open air), Value of total exhibition including the lace, maximum single article value.

Cover for theft will be subject to forcible or violent entry only, not simply stealing from the stall.

Members' lace and equipment used for demonstration purposes at exhibitions is in their own custody and control, and the insurance for it is their responsibility.

Groups' Libraries

Libraries which are stored in a locked cupboard or room in a public place are covered for theft as a result of forcible entry, fire and flood, up to a maximum of £1000 per group within the UK. We currently have a sum insured of £10,000 in total.


The policy does not cover member’s own lace at home, but can be extended as above to include lace at an exhibition, if agreed by the Insurer prior to the exhibition taking place, or it falls within the policy cover already in place as above. Whilst the members lace is in their own home or in their own custody and control whilst away from home, the insurance for it is the members own responsibility.


This information is based on the insurance arrangements in force as at July 1st 2018.

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