Golden Anniversary 2026

Lace by Pat Gibson
In 2026, The Lace Guild will be 50 years old, and we want to make sure that this Golden Anniversary has a special place in the records of Lacemaking and helps to protect and enhance Lace heritage for future generations.
The Guild is making plans for a bumper year of celebrations!
We have the Golden Cape project, for which we hope you have started to think about what you can all make – please see the article in LACE 192 for ideas or click on the button below. At this stage, you are welcome to put forward your ideas too.
Also, we would like to let the world know about our existence and what we stand for and this is our opportunity: One of our Trustees has been working on contacting all the National Trust properties that are open to the general public. This is to arrange a day/weekend of lace demonstrating, a small exhibition, and the obligatory “have-a-go” pillow. There are some very enthusiastic event organisers at these properties, but they are just the starting point. It could be any property/venue that is open to the public.
Take Part in our Golden Anniversary Lace Demonstration
Does your group already demonstrate lacemaking at a property/venue? If so, which one?
Find out if they are willing to participate in an event representing The Lace Guild and let us know in the Office at The Hollies.
If not, is there one near you?
Please note that it doesn’t matter if the venue is not a National Trust property. If it is open to the general public and holds suitable events that we could participate in, please tell us about it and then contact them to find out if they are interested in teaming up with you as a local lace group.
Would you like to know which property might be near enough to arrange an event?
Contact The Hollies, where our office staff will be able to help. Alternatively, if you follow this link: and then search for the area, this will help you to find a venue.
Which NT properties have already expressed an interest?
Allan Bank
Baddesley Clinton
Berrington Hall
Brockhampton Manor House
Coughton Court
Croft Castle
Gunby Hall
Lamb House
Melford Hall
Moseley Old Hall
Packwood House
Paycocke's House
Rotunda at IckworthTownend
Scotney Castle
The Vyne
Wimpole Hall


Melford Hall

Gunby Hall

Packwood House
We will do our best to match up each venue with a nearby lace group so that throughout 2026 there will be somewhere nearby for the public to find out more about The Lace Guild and what we do.
Other Possible Venues
Other types of venues could include a shopping centre, a library, or a museum. This is not just for bobbin lacemakers, we want you to demonstrate all types of lace, tatting, knitting, crochet, and needle for example.
What is the date for these events?
Although, ideally, it would be great if all these events were to happen on the same weekend, such as the National Lacemaking Day (2nd Saturday in September) – this is not the most important part. It is more important that the event happens during 2026.
As a member of The Lace Guild, you will be volunteering for The Lace Guild at these events and therefore The Hollies will need to be informed for you to be covered by our insurance.
The Plan
Each lacemaking group taking part should arrange a mutually convenient date during 2026 for the event with the property/venue. You would be representing the world of lacemaking as well as The Lace Guild, so please ensure that the “lead” person is a member. We will provide a Press Pack for each group taking part too. It is for the group to talk to the team at the venue to make all the necessary arrangements.
We have done the hardest part and started the ball rolling and now we need your help to make this work across the UK.
Further Updates
Once we have a better idea of who wants to take part, there will be further updates.
Attending our Coffee & Chat is a good way to exchange ideas and find out what others are up to. It is easy to sign up for this, just make sure you have access to the Members Only section of our website and you will have access to the link for the Ticket Tailor event page for the next Coffee & Chat.